Tips for Wedding Day

5 Tips To Help Keep Your Wedding Day Running Smoothly

Other than your birth, your wedding may be the most important day of your life. There is definitely nothing more exciting than being able to be married to the love of your life. You don’t want to spend this day stressed out and worried. That is why it is essential for you to plan ahead and get everything ready in advance so that the day will run smoothly. Consider these ways to ensure the big event is a joyous occasion, not a stressful one.

Get a Planner
Drop the notebook. Get a real, live human planner. If it’s in your budget, hire a wedding planner. If you’re going for a more low key wedding, divide tasks between bridesmaids or family members. You should definitely be involved in the plans and approve them before execution, but there is no reasons why you can’t get some help. Imagine yourself as the president of this wedding. Pass bills and veto anything you don’t want, but delegate for your sanity!

The rehearsal is important. You can have as many as time and members of the wedding party will allow. In the planning stages of your wedding, take advantage of virtual communications. Use emails or private chat pages to keep the whole party up to date. (This is one of those tasks you can delegate if needed.) By properly communicating and rehearsing everyone will know what to expect and can really be ready for the big day.

Make a Schedule
Aside from just rehearsing, make a written schedule, or program, for your wedding. That way each bridesmaid, groomsman, family member, and guest knows where they should be and what they should be doing. This is a great way for you and others to know exactly what is going on at what time.

Plan for Bumps
It is essential for you to think through everything that could go possible go wrong and find a solution. For example, if you’re planning an outdoor wedding, you might plan it in an area that has shelter nearby in case of adverse weather. When it comes to things like this having a good venue, such as Noah’s Event Venues is essential. That way you can make sure that you are getting the help that you need and every emergency situation is properly taken care of.

Presort and Anticipate Issues
Presort guests into tables based on their interests and relations. The last thing you need is a family brawl. You should also anticipate a drink limit if you will have alcohol on hand. There will always be that one person that overindulges! (This is another task you can put a friend on.)

Delegate as many tasks as possible and hire professionals if you can. You’ll save yourself stress and anxiety in the long run. You should recall your special day as one of euphoria, fun, and new beginnings. Don’t let the planning dampen your mood! Get others involved to keep your wedding day running smoothly from start to finish. You won’t regret it!

Kara Masterson

Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from West Jordan, Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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