8 Tips for Your Perfect Wedding

8 Tips for Your Perfect Wedding

Organising your wedding can be fun and exciting, but it can also be super stressful if you don’t know the following eight little tips. If you do most of the things we recommend, your wedding will be stress-free and fun, just like the best day of your life is supposed to be.


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Make a list
First things first, make a list of the things you can’t imagine your wedding without, and then plan everything else around them. Maybe having good music or delicious food is super important for you, so you don’t have to be cheap when it comes to that. You can also get a binder with all your contacts, clippings, fabric samples and cool ideas, and keep it close. This way, you will be as organised as possible.

Get familiar with your budget
The most important thing about the wedding budget is the balance. First, calculate all the important things such as the gown, venue, music and food, and invest most of your money in those essentials. For instance, if a pro DJ or band is something you absolutely must have, do invest in it – but then you should go easy on the invitations and flowers.

Don’t multitask
Make a planning schedule and stick to it by doing things one at a time. If you arrange everything in a logical order, you won’t find yourself in a situation where everything seems to be crumbling around you. First set a date and then deal with the book caterers; first order flowers, then your cake; first book the venue and then the band. Take things slowly and gradually and there will be no need for stress.

Make it original
If you want your wedding to be special and unique, make sure to give it a personal touch. Choose between some original wedding reception venues and opt for monogrammed napkins, some tasty wedding favours or eye-catching centerpieces that will make your party stand out. You can also make your ceremony more memorable by planning different games and events. Skip some old wedding traditions if they’re not your style, and instead incorporate something that is more “you and your spouse”.

All the fab clothes
Oh the dress! Where to begin? Choose the cut, the color, the details… You will probably end up stressing over it, cause it has to be just right. And it will be, don’t worry. The feeling you’ll have on that day will be even more elevated by the way you feel and look, and all will be well. The groom is probably stressing too, he is not used to picking out clothes for himself. This is the perfect time to help him out and show him some support and attention, especially if you have been brideziling for the past couple of weeks. Setting the dress code can be a fab way to decorate your venue. You read that right. Imagine your guests in amazing designer clothing just floating around like you are at a fashion show. Ah, divine!

Don’t make any last-minute changes
Any changes made at the last minute will bring you only stress and anxiety. If possible, stick to what you’ve already planned, trust your first instincts, relax and enjoy your special day.

Comfort comes first
No matter the weather or time of the day, you always have to think about what you and your guests might need in order to stay comfortable during your special day. You can provide your guests with some slippers for tired feet, parasols if you’re planning an outdoor ceremony, or some wraps in case it gets chilly. Also, you might consider making a little chill-out area with soft music and comfy furniture. When your guests get tired from all the dancing, they will need a place to relax. Additionally, you might offer your guests a place to charge their phones, so they can take many photos of your amazing reception.

Pick your right hand
If you’ve decided not to get a professional wedding planner, it’s a good idea to find a pro that will help you on the day of your wedding. You will need someone to show your guests to their seats, follow the schedule, and help with any potential unexpected situations. You can also ask your best friends or your parents to give you a hand and they will surely help you out, just make sure not to overburden them.

Take care of yourself
Go to bed early the night before so you can look fresh. Don’t forget to eat something throughout the day, and find some time to just sit down and take a few deep breaths.
The most important thing is to have fun, show your spouse how much you love them, and join the celebration. Congrats!

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